

Manual Mode

Posted 2020-12-06 by Bruce Webber (general)

As I take more photos, I’m finding that I prefer to shoot in manual mode. That means I manually set the lens aperture (F stop), shutter speed and exposure sensitivity (ISO); I don’t let the camera choose these values for me.

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Posted 2020-11-25 by Bruce Webber (general)

I recently purchased a mirrorless, full frame camera, which does a great job with both still photography and videography. Photography will be another avenue for self-expression. I will post some of my photos on the Gallery page, and at some point I may create videos as well.

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Cherry 2000

Posted 2020-11-24 by Timothy Sparks (great films)

All too infrequently does a movie come along that explores the post-apocalyptic conundrum that mankind faces symbolically when choosing between technological and organic love. Even less frequent are movies about the literal conundrum that an actual man would face in the post apocalyptic world when choosing between loving a robotic woman or a human woman. This is the pot of cinematic gold that Cherry 2000 brings us.

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Navy Seals vs. Zombies

Posted 2020-11-05 by Timothy Sparks (great films)

I set out to review another feature, the aptly named Alien Private Eye, but in my quest to obtain a quality version of that film, I stumbled across a movie that I purport is made for the troubled times we find ourselves in. I refer, of course, to Navy Seals vs. Zombies from the Hollywood Media Bridge division of Anchor Bay.

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Great Films

Posted 2020-11-05 by Bruce Webber (great films)

I’m pleased to announce that Timothy Sparks, a long-time friend, will be contributing to this website. Timbo will be writing a series of film reviews which will have the tag great films.

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Vitamin D3

Posted 2020-11-01 by Bruce Webber (general, The Crisis)

Please consider supplementing your diet with vitamin D3. The level of vitamin D in the blood is correlated with disease outcomes, including COVID-19.

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Buffet Buddy

Posted 2020-10-10 by Bruce Webber (humor)

Do you remember those late night TV commercials for products like the Magic Garden Widget? They would start in black and white, showing someone frustrated at some task. Perhaps it was a woman trying to remove weeds from her garden, wiping her brow.

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A Conversation with Debbie Fordree

Posted 2020-10-04 by Bruce Webber (Phase Shift)

Recently I had the pleasure of talking with Debbie Fordree about what the pandemic revealed, mediation and collaborative divorce, whether this is a liminal time, practices which reduce polarization, and our vision for the future.

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